Video Game Publishing - Catness Game Studios


As video game publishers, we will leverage our experience with porting, social network management, public relations, and everything related to Unreal Engine. You have already created an incredible video game. Let the world know about it!


People at Catness Game Studios have been mastering Unreal Engine for a decade. We chose to specialize on Epic Games’ engine since it has proven to be the best-suited technology for an industry heading towards 3D graphics and hyper-realism. This approach has allowed us to work with world-class developers and publishers to bring their games to every platform.

Why publish with Catness?


A decade of experience

Since 2014, the Catness team has been developing, porting, and publishing games made with Unreal Engine on desktop, mobile, and consoles.

Fair deal

Game publishers should be a springboard for your game, not a drag. Our publishing contracts do not include abusive percentages but offer a fair profit distribution.

Purrrfect partners

If you are looking for game publishers, chances are you also need help with development, porting, or marketing. Publish your game with us, and you will have a team of experts in these areas at your service.

One game, all platforms

Why stay on PC when you can also launch on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch? We are willing to bring your game to any platform!

Certified developers

Our versatile team has experience porting with Unreal Engine for every major platform out there. Whether you need to bring your PC game to consoles or try your luck on mobile stores, you can trust Catness as we are certified developers for PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox, Meta Quest, Android and iOS.

Our publishing process

In order to publish your game, we will analyze the project and design a custom proposal with the costs, deadlines, and actions we will take to make your game known.

We integrate the project into our systems and start the porting process. In addition, we initiate the marketing campaign, including network management, trailer creation, asset adaptation, and more.

We create a reservation campaign and intensify contacts with the press and influencers to boost coverage of your game. We also take it to face-to-face events, test the versions for each platform, and prepare their presence in stores for the final build.

We advertise your game’s launch with press releases, social media posts, and investment in paid marketing.

We generate regular reports on game sales for each platform. In addition, we will promote it by participating in sales and covering milestones such as the release of updates, DLC, and similar events.


The more platforms, the more visibility. We ensure that your Unreal Engine game will reach computers and consoles to amplify sales and audiences.


What is the purpose of creating an awesome game if nobody knows about it? Our communication team will help you with social media management, mailing, and other PR tasks to connect with your audience.


We will work before, during, and after the launch to give your game the exposure it deserves. You will not be disappointed if you entrust us with tasks such as your presence in stores or investment in ads.


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Today is your very first day of internship as an engineer. However, the mine you work on is about to crumble. At least you have the Scarabeus, a rolling machine that will allow you to navigate the caves and solve puzzles to set free those who are trapped in this mining hell. Can you handle the pressure?


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Chronicles of 2 Heroes (Infinity Experience) is an action platformer heavily inspired by The Messenger and the Ninja Gaiden series on the NES. This 16-bit adventure stands out for a unique mechanic: switching in real-time between the protagonists! Add an astonishing pixel art and some catchy chiptune music and you get a retro masterpiece.


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unHappy Hour! (NoSe Studios) is a too-accurate life-sim. You are young, and you have been studying your whole life. However, everybody rejects you during job interviews. You lack experience, they say. Luckily, the owner of the Ponus bar does not care about that as long as you do 100 hours a week. Let the (un)happy hour begin!


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Die Again (TheVarnDev) is an innovative top-down shooter game. Why? Because if you die, you can possess the closest enemy and keep shooting. That will force you to think and decide whether to waste your bullets or control someone else to access other areas of the stage. Be careful: if no one is near you, game over.


Regarding porting and publishing, we follow the same criteria. We are open to publishing games of any genre as long as they use Unreal Engine. By focusing on titles utilizing Epic Games’ engine, we guarantee to offer the best possible service. It is a technology that we master and, therefore, that we can teach you to master.

If you’re working on your next Unreal Engine game and looking for a publisher, drop us an email at [email protected]. Remember to attach a pitch, a demo or any example of your work. If you prefer, you can also fill out this form. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Not at all! The best option is to work with a publisher once you have the first verticals of your game. This way, you can receive advice on optimizing its performance, which mechanics fit best with current trends or how to market it on social media. The sooner you start collaborating with a publisher, the sooner you will have extra resources to port and promote your work. If you have a fascinating project made with Unreal Engine and a good pitch to present it with, do not hesitate to fill out our publishing form.

Making your game stand out in a world where even big triple-A releases are forgotten in a few weeks is absurdly difficult. Not because it is not good (it certainly is!), but because there are zillions of games released yearly. For example, Steam hosted more than 11,700 titles in 2021 alone. Its sales were not particularly good: only 8% of games sold more than 10,000 copies.

Our job as publishers is to make your game shine among all the others. We can help you with marketing, art, localization, and porting to ensure your project reaches as many people as possible. You are creating a superb video game. Now it is time for the world to know about it!

Of course, you can self-publish your game. Launching it on platforms like and Steam is not complicated, and countless developers follow that path. We started like that! However, we would have loved to have publishing support for certain things. Someone with more experience to ask questions, help us stand out on Steam and make it easier for us to launch on consoles. After a decade of experience, we decided to become that figure and help developers like you. Count on us, and we will take care of porting and marketing. We will even give you a paw with co-development. So you can focus on what’s important: creating your video game.

Catness does not offer direct financial support to other projects as of now. We are still a young company without the financial muscle of other big publishers. However, we do invest in the project indirectly. Publishing with us means saving porting and marketing costs and even having support with the co-development of the game. You will have access to a team of Unreal Engine experts and our dev kits for each platform. Also, our percentage is based on game sales and is more generous to the developer than other companies. If you want more information about it, email us at info@catnessgames. We will study your case and propose customized planning. You can also fill out this form.

Every publisher keeps a portion of the game’s revenue in exchange for their services. However, it tends to be an abusive percentage that leaves little to no profit for the developer. Having started as devs, we at Catness defend decent conditions for the creator. We propose a fair and flexible percentage based on the results obtained.

Catness Games bets on Unreal Engine because we mastered it. We have been developing, porting, and publishing video games powered by Epic Games’ engine for over a decade. We know that we will help you quicker and more efficiently if your game is #MadeWithUnreal. Thus, we prefer to be honest. However, we can also work with Unity. Our team has several programmers specialized in this engine. Besides, marketing is one of the core elements of publishing, but it does not depend on any particular technology.

Catness Games does not limit releases to any specific platform. As publishers, we will recommend the ones that best suit the characteristics of the project. For example, 2D platformers and couch co-op titles look great on the Nintendo Switch. We also usually bet on launching on all platforms, as it is the best way to expand sales opportunities and reach a larger audience. That is why we have dev kits and experience with all consoles, right? Even so, we will not take any steps regarding development, porting and publishing without mutual agreement.

Send information about your project to [email protected], even if it is made with Unity or other engines. We will analyze it and be more than happy to work with you if the relationship brings benefits for both sides. You can also fill out this form.

Launching a video game is much more complex than programming its code. No matter what producers say. Development is a creative process and does not relate well to strict release dates. Assuming development progresses smoothly, porting to other platforms also takes time. Generally speaking, a minimum of six weeks. Keep in mind that the type of game heavily influences this process —porting The Witcher 3 to Nintendo Switch is not the same as porting Tetris to PlayStation 5—. Once we complete the port, the next step is to put the game through a thorough QA to make it as polished as possible. Each platform has its criteria in that regard. Getting the game approved takes about two weeks if all goes well. Finally, we recommend preparing a pre-launch campaign at least one month before its launch.

This entire process can take up to a minimum of three months. If you need a more precise estimate, email us at [email protected] with more details about your project. We will analyze it and propose a plan that includes time and budget. You can also fill out this form.

Your game is yours. Never forget that. As publishers, our task is to help the world discover your work. That means taking it to the most relevant platforms and supporting PR tasks to increase its impact. Just that. Any imposition on the mechanics, aesthetics or other aspects is out of place. Of course, you will always have us at your disposal to advise you. We are willing to use our almost ten years of experience to help you, but only if you want. If other publishers do not work like that, that is their problem. Catness Games will always offer freedom, support and understanding.

The Grinch was right; Christmas sucks. Once you acknowledge that, almost any date is okay. There are usually two peaks throughout the year. The first happens between the end of September and mid-November. That is where the triple-A releases concentrate, although more and more indies are trying their luck then. Why? Because games take advantage of campaigns such as Black Friday or Christmas. The second takes place between the end of January and April. There is a peak again in June, facing summer and with more free time available. However, good luck getting noticed during the innumerable sales on Steam, Epic Store and other digital stores. It is precisely in the first half of the year when it is best to launch your video game. Summer is a desert and the final stretch of the year concentrates too many releases (the worst conversion rate on Steam occurs then). There are way more dates available between January and April.

As much as you master presentations, a few slides are not enough to convince a publisher. You will also need a visual, ideally playable, display of your project. Hence, send your game to a publisher when you have a vertical slice of at least 5 to 10 minutes. Moreover, the art and the core mechanics must be close to the final version. That is, a more or less closed level, however brief it may be. This way, the publisher has an approximate idea of how your game will look when finished.

You have been working hard on your video game for many years. You have finally finished it, and the publisher has released it on all platforms. Seeing your work on computers and consoles is astonishing, but you also need to pay the bills. We understand that feeling. We know how hard it is for a video game not to generate profits until its premiere. Still, you will need some patience. It is common to receive income between one and three months after launch. Each platform handles different dates, but those are the most ordinary. However, we guarantee maximum transparency and updated sales tracking once we receive said data. We also offer support with a Kickstarter campaign if the project needs that.

Although it is difficult to predict how much a video game will sell, there are metrics to predict its performance. These are estimates based on genre, release date, number of platforms it releases on, or the game’s community, among other factors.

That may vary in every case. We can work together for one year or five, on specific platforms or all of them. We are flexible with the contract and any possible changes. Whatever we sign will be born of mutual agreement and total transparency in the contract.


From Catness Games we will provide you with all the details you need about our services, projects or job offers.